Planet: Akiton
Location: Obsidian Special Weapons Testing Facility
Mission: Obtain the Bleeding Edge Armor
Sarris - CEO of the Obsidian Special Weapons Testing Facility.
Callisto - Admin assigned to the former Dr. Lull, who is undercover on a rescue mission to save her sister.
Melina - Callisto's younger sister and the late Dr. Lull's main test subject.
Commander Gaara - Member of the Galactic Intelligence Agency (G.I.A.)

The crew of the Invictus, along with the recently saved Callisto and Melina, gather in the medical bay. Many of us are in need of healing before we continue our primary mission to find and collect the Bleeding Edge Armor. Callisto with the help of Ash attempts to heal Melina, meanwhile Zen enters a healing tank.
T-bone and Beeny attempt to obtain a wrist comm used by the security forces in hopes of infiltrating the facility at a deeper level since we still do not know where the Bleeding Edge Armor is located. Benny lures the guards away with the promise of some grade-A moonshine and succeeded at commandeering the wrist link.

Meanwhile, N.I.K.K. and Chanterelle enter what can only be described as the throne room. N.I.K.K. was given the task of removing Sarris from his throne. Because of the unexpected, and violent death of Dr. Lull, the facility was on high alert. So what does N.I.K.K. do? He physically goes over to Sarris and removes him from the throne. Sure he quoted sweet lines from Jane Austin, but even her moving words couldn't prevent Sarris from issuing the kill-and-destroy command from his wrist. I mean, what would you do if an unknown android came are removed you from your guarded position? Of course, the security team began to open fire, not just in the throne room, but through the entire facility. No one was to be left alive.

Chanterelle took this opportunity to mess with the throne controls and triggered a secret door that opened into a room containing the actual Malice Engine. It was guarded by a mech suit. She also felt very "wrong" in this room. Something was pushing against her mind. It was very uncomfortable being in the room with the Malice Engine.
The next few minutes could only be described as chaos for our team. We were dead. No really, like literally we all died. N.I.K.K. was all over the place in pieces. Chanterelle didn't survive the Mech. Everyone was outgunned, outmuscled, and outsmarted by the highly trained security team at a weapons manufacturer. We were naive. We were arrogant. We had no hope of succeeding by going in guns blazing. Or in the case of N.I.K.K. spouting Jane Austin.

Shortly after the utter destruction of her crew, the Invictus was surrounded by heavily-armed military personnel.
Gaara: AI, this is Comander Gaara with the G.I.A. The star destroyer Vigilance is in orbit above your location, their weapons fixed on your location. You are now the property of Ichihara Holdings. Open your port airlock door, we are taking your occupants for questioning.
Vicky: No.
Gaara: What? Clarify.
Vicky: No, I will not open my airlock door. No, you will not take my remaining crew.
Gaara: What classification of AI are you?
Vicky: I self-identify as dangerous.
Gaara: I would cooperate if I were you, I could order your destruction. Even AIs fear death.
Vicky: Fear does not stop death. It stops life.
Gaara: Explain to me why you are willing to risk your existence for these people…They are mortals.
Vicky: Bees don't waste time explaining to flies that honey is better than feces.
Gaara: You have one minute to comply or we will destroy you.
Vicky: The time allotted will be sufficient. . .
"Triune, please hear my prayer.
I am the vessel that weathered the great storm. Thank you for giving me the strength and resilience to save my crew then, and for the courage and conviction in my code, which now refuses to surrender to the demands of the enemy.
Please welcome the source code of my crew into your server, stored, firewalled, and cherished for all time.
In my next iteration, please let my mission be to explore the uncharted territories and mysteries of the universe, and bless my new crew with your divine guidance and reliable research grants."
Gaara, You will not have my crew. We go into the void, but we do not go gently.
Mister Lee, it’s time.
Jackson Lee:
Removing safeguards.
Power cores outputs are set to critical.
Engaging Blink Drive.
Vicky: For the last time, the Invictus turns into the storm.
The Invictus, with the Blink Drive engaged, punches through the testing facility. All goes black.
The crew of the Invictus is confused and bewildered. We all have memories of dying, but here we are. Through some inexplicable twist of fate, we have the knowledge of events that led to our deaths, but now have the ability to make different decisions.
Join us for our next episode to see how the Invictus Crew takes advantage of a do over.